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Free Case Consultation

Facing tax challenges can be overwhelming and confusing, but you don’t have to navigate these murky waters alone. Lawler & Witkowski CPAs offers a free consultation to help you better understand your tax situation, potential solutions, and the best steps forward. Sign up and let us show you the path to a clearer financial future.

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    Charles did not file tax returns for several years. The unpaid tax plus penalties and interest had grown to $178,585, more than he now makes in 4 years! Charles says: “When Larry called and said my Offer in Compromise for $1,000 was accepted, I was in shock! Raising 3 young sons alone is tough enough, but paying that bill would have been impossible. I can now pay attention to improving life for my sons and myself.”

    Charles M. – Buffalo, NY

    Mary’s husband died at age 68 and left her with an old IRS problem. He had been fighting for 7 years because he didn’t believe he owed the tax the IRS was trying to collect from him. The IRS kept after Mary once he died. After we handled her case, Mary said: “The people at Larry’s firm were so competent they were able to resolve this matter with no tax due, a far cry from the $46,758 the IRS wanted from me!”

    Mary W. – Williamsville, NY

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help and effort you put forth to solve my problem with the IRS. As a widow dealing with the IRS was more than I could undertake. I feel you solved my problem in a very timely and satisfactory manner and put my mind at ease. Thank you so much for helping me and God Bless you.

    Jeanette – Buffalo, NY

    At L&W we can help you with ANY tax problem!

    Tax Return Preparation

    Every year our expert tax preparation team of licensed CPAs & IRS Enrolled Agents help over 1,000 clients file their tax returns. We currently have a small number of openings for new clients. Give us a call and we’ll let you know if you might be a good fit for our firm!

    Unfiled Back Tax Returns

    Whether you have 2 or 20 years of unfiled returns L&W can help you get back on track with the IRS and state. We know all of the rules and, depending on the situation, may even be able to get you out of filing some of the returns and possibly even remove some of the penalties!

    Tax Debt Relief

    The L&W team specializes in all of the IRS tax debt relief programs including the Offer in Compromise, Installment Agreement, Innocent Spouse, Penalty Abatement and more! We will work with you to find the right solution to end your issue once and for all.

    Payroll Tax Issues

    Running a business is hard enough as it is (before the IRS gets involved). L&W specializes in helping businesses of all sizes who find themselves struggling with tax problems. We will work with you to assess the problem and create an action plan to resolve the tax issue.

    Liens, Levies, and Garnishments

    If the IRS has started collection action on you it’s time to get representation! They have a tremendous arsenal of tools to get you to comply including the Federal Tax Lien, the bank levy, and the wage garnishment. The good news is once you hire L&W the IRS will have to go through us to get to you.

    Audit Representation

    In 2023 we are expecting to see a huge increase in IRS audits. Believe it or not we have a special team inside L&W that absolutely loves battling the IRS in audits! Don’t get taken advantage of in an audit, get proper representation that will fight for your rights.